Sunday, May 17, 2009

Where Women Create

Where Women Create

So I am doing a total re-do on my studio this year. I've begun to pull everything out (sigh). I really don't even know where to begin. I've been getting some great ideas from friends our yahoo group, but still haven't put it all together.

See, it's just that I, like most of you, dabble in everything and do so much more than paint. You just have to have a little bit of this and that at your disposal to suit all of your creative whims, right? I love to embellish and my embellishments have taken over my studio, so it's time to get it together! I want to be inspired when I walk in my studio, not be sick...LOL!

I found a couple of books and a website devoted to creative spaces for women. Jo Packham has authored a couple of amazing books on the subject and then teamed up with the people at Stampington / Somerset Studio (OMG, love everything they publish) to devote a magazine to the subject. The website for the magazine can be found here.

I thought I would share the research because I know we are always looking for creative ways to store our things. It's almost an art in and of itself, isn't it? So, I will post pics during my journey to organization! I know, I know, it will be a long one, but well worth it. I over-think everything! I am equally right/left brained, so constant inner battle. A late spring cleaning that will last through next spring if you will. = ) I'm doing some remodeling too, so it will not go quickly I'm sure. We will share the journey!

Finally, I wanted to show you a great find. Michaels had their JetMax storage items on sale week before last for 50% off. Here's the link. I purchased several of these items. These storage solutions seem viable for any type of craft. There are many different items to choose from that all go together and at 50% off (which I'm sure they will do again), you can't beat it! I'll post pics when I get everything up!

So you know, every time you give someone something you make or share your creativity with someone, you share a bit of yourself and bring joy into their lives. I'm thinking a well-organized studio ("studio" sounds so much more official than "craft room," don't you, would bring a fresh start and new inspiration to your creativity that will allow you to bring that joy into someone's life. It's a cycle and one that I am grateful to God to be a part of!

Love you guys, XOXOXOXO
(Hey, I'm getting the hang of this whole blogging thing, don't cha think)!


p.s. We would love to hear your thoughts about the blog and your craft room ideas...please feel free to leave your comments, they are always welcome! Hugs!


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