SDP Convention 2009
was a blast!
I had so much fun at my first
SDP convention. I can see why people return year after year. The painting classes were great and the trade show had much to offer! I was helping out in the
Martin / F. Weber booth and my good friend Patty Reichenbach, who manages the trade shows and for Weber and demonstrates (Queen of) Bob Ross oil painting, asked me to put together a fabric painting kit for the show and it turned out to be a lot of fun.
I thought I would share a few pics with you guys!

How about painting royalty? This great picture is of Ros Stallcup, Stan Brown and Sue Schewee! I LOVE THE WAY THESE GIRLS PAINT!

Talk about talent! Jane and Bard demonstrate for Sue Schewee in the Weber booth and man, they are the BOMB! I love these girls. Patty calls them Chip and Dale, but we started calling Barb "Cougar" on the trip, but I won't bare the details behind that! LOL!

This girly won the big basket at the end of the show. I could pinch myself for not remembering her name, but she was a sweetheart and LOVED all the goodies. She is standing with Patty who's looking pretty darn cute in this picture!

Ok - talk about crowd control! This is a picture of Patty's make-it-take-it, where you can sit down in the booth and actually paint this with Patty in about an hour. Not one single painting looked bad, they were all gorgeous and people were standing and waiting 3-deep behind each chair to do this with Patty. This painting is done with the Bob Ross method and she only used two baby....some GLITTER! That's all you have to tell me and I'm all over it!
Here's Patty looking pretty cute again and that canvas wasn't blank for long!! OMG...Patty actually got up early and jogged before the anyone does that! = P

Now these ladies were all sisters at the show...look how great their paintings turned out!

Ok, now you could look at this picture and say there's Angela painting Bob Ross style, but I must confess. My job was to come in at the end of each session and sprinkle the glitter on the paintings. What can I say, Patty knows when to call in the experts! = )

This cutie pa-tootie is Ashley Knowles. She is Dawn Knowles' daughter, creator of
Interactive Artist Magazine, and grandaughter of Dennis Kapp, CEO of Weber, pictured below with Ash. I love this kid, she's all over the register and already better at sales than I'll ever be! Oh, by the way, I will be featured in Interactive Artist Magazine in August and painting the jacket that is at the bottom of this blog!

Ashley and Dennis chatting with the happy customers!

These are the new wOils, oil paints you can mix and clean with water. Patty put up that rockin' canvas so everyone could paint with the new paints and give them a try!!

Patty rocked my jacket display. She brought this great garment rack and I took several painted jackets that we hung for people to see the technique and bling/embellish factor. The Angela Anderson Fabric Painting kit made for Weber is hanging to the left of the rack and on the rack in the picture below. I was very humbled by the response to the jackets. I had a lot of positive feedback and people really seemed to enjoy them. I sold out of the kits on the second day, God is good and I am blessed to be able to do something I can share with others.

Thanks to Patty for this great display!

Now this beautiful angel is Sandy Braun. Sandy saw my jackets the first day and loved them. She just had to have this one and I can see why. She looks great in it! Plus, Sandy wore this the second day of the show and said she had so many compliments on it. She was working with Bobbie Takashima and in Jo Sonja's booth. Sandy is probably the reason the kits sold out truth be known. Thank you Sandy, you really gave me a confidence booth and the jacket looks fantabulous on you!

As a reminder, this is the jacket that I will be doing a video demonstration of in the August issue of
Interactive Artist Magazine. If you haven't been to this site, it's an online magazine with a great subscription price for videos, downloads, online gallery and more! Please check it out and let me know what you think!
Well, I think that just about catches us up for SDP. I enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and meeting lots of new ones. Thanks to MFW and Patty for giving me the opportunity to work the show. It was amazing!
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Hugs and God bless you and your brushes!!